The AirDrop Tournament (PvP Tournament mode)

Players can take part in a PvP tournament against other players. The tournament is held in PvP mode, however, each opponent is selected based on the results of the previous race, with the exception of the first round of the tournament. In the first round of the tournament, a draw takes place, which determines the opponents of the first round, as well as the tournament’s setting.

In the event that a race or run results in a tie, an additional time of race or run is added to determine a winner. Extra time will be added until a winner is determined.

To participate in the tournament, it will be necessary to pay an entrance fee, which will create the prize pool and be distributed according to the results of the tournament. In case a player loses, their entrance fee is not returned.

In the main draw, if a player has passed the first round but has not entered the next match before the deadline, he or she is automatically eliminated. If a player leaves the game during a match, he or she can return to the match, but while he or she is away, his or her racer will be controlled by a low-level bot.

Each stage of the tournament will be available to live spectators, and it will also be possible to watch with player’s rating HUD, which will display players with the most points in the appropriate order.

Join the tournament to earn tokens! Compete with other players and participate in every competition to place top in the rankings! The higher your position in the rankings, the bigger your award shall be.


This is a multiplayer game mode in which the player controls his Robro during a race that starts at the same time for all Robros. During the race, the main task of the Robro is to successfully navigate the system’s obstacles while striving to overtake opponents. Players can use Hoverboards if the game conditions are met. Indeed, there’s an NFT Hoverboard that Genesis Robro owners can receive as a result of the AirDrop. ****Various "second-rate" NFTs can be received as AirDrop bonuses, or purchased via the game's marketplace.

Moreover, it should be kept in mind that each Robro has its own style of play, depending on its characteristics. Certain Robros may accelerate more often, jump higher, break blocks, move quicker or have better strength characteristics. It all depends on your choice of Robro.


This is a multiplayer game mode in which the player controls his Robro during the race, which starts at the same time for all Robros. During the race, the main task of the Robro is to successfully collect data and complete more laps than their competitors in a smaller amount of time. Without purchasing a Ryver, players cannot participate in races.

Moreover, it should be kept in mind that each Robro has its own style of play, depending on its characteristics. In addition, each Ryver involved in the race has its own style of play too, depending on the car’s model. Users will be able to purchase this type of NFT at a later date.

During the race, the player can perform complex movements to get more energy. For example, drifting gives the player a faster boost charge. Moreover, in one of the game’s future updates, we plan to add another column to our chart - here, the fastest lap will be visible.

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